1 Minute of Torah

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A Refuge In Time

(Rosh Chodesh Elul is this Shabbos and Sunday.)

The Arizal reveals that the month of Elul is hinted in the parsha that discusses the cities of refuge for someone who killed unintentionally. The first letters of the phrase “Inah l’yado v’samti lach” (Shemos 21:13) spell out Elul. Somehow the cities of refuge and their significance are connected to this time when we are meant to repent and prepare for the Day of Judgement.

One who appreciates the supreme value of every moment of temporal life will not be negligent or careless and cause his own or another’s life to be in danger. An unintentional murder is not the result of an accident beyond one’s control; rather, it is the result of carelessness and negligence. Only an individual who does not appreciate the value of life, whose regard for the importance of life is deficient, could possibly be negligent in a manner that could cause another’s demise. One who fails to act with the proper regard for human life and causes unintentional homicide needs to be reeducated and impressed with the value of life. This is achieved through sending the unintentional murderer to the cities of refuge. The cities of refuge were the cities of the tribe of Levi. They devoted their lives to spiritual pursuits. Seeing this would clarify and put into perspective the true purpose of life.

The entire year we are negligent; we do not not consider our lives in light of eternity. We carelessly and foolishly commit sins that rob moments of our lives of their intrinsic eternal value. We are so to speak, guilty of unintentional murder of ourselves. Therefore Hashem gave us the month of Elul as a “time of refuge” in which to regain our perspective on life, to utilize it as a means to generate eternal bliss.
(Rabbi Zev Leff)

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