1 Minute of Torah

Your daily dose of inspiration!

Stay Away

Who does not want to do the right thing? We all do. But sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we cannot resist. In a sense we lose control over ourselves. What is the solution?

When the Jewish people came out of Egypt, there was a danger. The easiest route to Israel was via the land of the Philistines. But this itself was the danger. When they would be faced with the threat of war, the Jewish people would maybe change their minds and would want to return, on the easy route, back to Egypt. Therefore G-d did not allow them to travel on the easiest route and instead the Jewish people traveled on a more difficult route making returning to Egypt a harder option (13:17-18).

From here we see a solution to potential pitfalls – avoid the danger! Do what you can to stay far away from a situation that you know that you may not be able to pass the challenge (Rav Dessler – quoted).

In physical matters we can all relate to this. Obviously, when we are waiting for the train we don’t stand right at the end of the platform next to the train tracks. Why not? Because we may get pushed or fall. We are all very particular to keep medicine out of the reach of young children. Why? Because they do not hold themselves back. So too we should do what we can to avoid dangers in moral and spiritual matters.

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